The “Egalité Professionnelle” Index is a tool created in 2018, which allows companies to measure gender pay gaps and highlight existing disparities. The aim of this tool is to put an end to professional inequalities.
This index gives companies a score out of 100 points relating to 5 criteria.
Peugeot Motocycles is committed to monitoring the indicator and defining an annual action plan to achieve professional equality.
For the year 2021, Peugeot Motocycles' score is 84/100, broken down as follows:
These scores confirm that the policies implemented are having a positive impact. However, they highlight the low number of women on the Management Committee. The company is therefore committed to taking action on the career paths of female employees, particularly to ensure gender diversity in management positions. The objective is to guarantee gender diversity in management positions by offering support based on internal networks and training courses in order to break the "glass ceiling", which often keeps women out of top management.
In particular, the "As Women We Boost Peugeot Motocycles" working group was created in 2021 to gather employees' feedback and discuss ideas and actions to be implemented. An action plan for monitoring indicators was also proposed to social partners.